
TFE4152 - Lecture 6



Goal for today

Make it easier to understand the project



Be inspired by the ISSCC paper, and design a similar system.

Design analog circuits in SPICE

Design digital circuits in SystemVerilog

A 10 000 Frames/s CMOS Digital Pixel Sensor

image ../ip/idea.png removed photon sensor local analog to digital converter local memory

> image ../ip/concept.png removed

> image ../ip/block_diagram.pdf removed

image ../ip/block_diagram_modified.pdf removed

> image ../ip/pixelSensor.png removed

image ../ip/sensor.png removed ## SENSOR


image ../ip/comparator.png removed

image ../ip/memory.png removed ## MEMORY

> image ../ip/options.png removed

> image ../ip/timing_diagram.png removed

Minimum implementation

Things it’s OK to ignore

Gray codes

Decimal Binary Gray
0 000 000
1 001 001
2 010 011
3 011 010
4 100 110
5 101 111
6 110 101
7 111 100


module graycounter(out, clk, reset);

   parameter WIDTH = 8;

   output [WIDTH-1 : 0] out;
   input                clk, reset;

   logic [WIDTH-1 : 0]  out;
   wire                 clk, reset;

   logic [WIDTH-1 : 0]  q;

   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
      if (reset)
        q <= 0;
      else begin
         q <= q + 1;
      out <= {q[WIDTH-1], q[WIDTH-1:1] ^ q[WIDTH-2:0]};

endmodule // graycounter

Analog Simulators

aimspice, ngspice, spectre, eldo, hspice

Time evolution (transient analysis) is a numerical analysis to differential equations for voltage and current. For example Newton’s method

  1. Take a small time step, iterate numerical analysis until error is low enough, if error is too large, chose shorter time step
  2. Go to 1

For more info, see In a Nutshell: How SPICE Works

Can simulate digital circuits, but very slowly

Digital Simulators

iverilog, questa, xcelium, vcs

Time evolution with time steps, and delta-time

  1. Next time step (i.e clock cycle)
  2. What signals change at this time step?
  3. Compute new signal values, and schedule changes in future
  4. Should any of the signals that changed now affect other signals now? If yes, then take delta time step
  5. If delta timestep, then go to 2. If no more delta timestep, go to 1.

Cannot simulate analog differential equations!

Mixed-Signal Simulators

Control time in both analog and digital simulator

Provide analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters to “mirror” signals in the other simulator

Not sure there is an open source mixed-signal simulator

What you get


├── spice/
│   ├── Makefile                # See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Introduction.html
│   ├── pixelSensor.cir         # Almost empty circuit for pixelSensor
│   └── pixelSensor_tb.cir      # SPICE testbench for pixelSensor, emulates verilog
└── verilog/
    ├── Makefile                
    ├── pixelSensor.fl          # Verilog file list
    ├── pixelSensor_tb.gtkw     # Save file for GTKWave
    ├── pixelSensor_tb.v        # Verilog testbench for pixelSensor
    └── pixelSensor.v           # Verilog model of analog pixelSensor circuit

What you should do

Model of 2 x 2 pixel array in SystemVerilog

Make a SystemVerilg module (i.e pixelArray.v), that use pixelSensor.v

Figure out which signals need to be a bus, and what signals are common for the pixels

Make a testbench pixelArray_tb.v to check that the pixelArray.v compiles and do some rudementary tests to check that you’ve hooked things up correctly

## State machine
Make a SystemVerilog module pixelState.v that can connect to pixelArray.v
Make a state machine to control reset, exposure, analog-to-digital conversion, and readout of the pixel array
Make a testbench pixelState_tb.v to test the state machine

Top verilog

Make a SystemVerilog module pixelTop.v that connects pixelState.v to pixelArray.v

Make a testbench pixelTop_tb.v to test the statemachine and readout of the 2 x 2 array

## SPICE of pixel sensor
Copy pixelSensor.cir to another name
Copy pixelSensor_tb.cir to another name
Make the design from the paper (Fig. 4) - Sensor (SENSOR) - Comparator (COMP) - Memory (MEMORY)
Add something (like Rphoto in pixelSensor.tb) to model the photocurrent.
Add a testbench for each subcircuit (COMP, SENSOR, MEMCELL, MEMORY)

Report 1/2

Report 2/2

Proposed plan

Week Plan
34 Register group
35 Read and understand paper
36 Sketch what you want to do
37 Write theory chapter in report
38 Design & simulation
39 Design & simulation
40 Design & simulation
41 Design & simulation
42 Verification
43 Verification
44 Write report
45 Write report
46 Deadline

What you get


├── spice/
│   ├── Makefile                # See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Introduction.html
│   ├── pixelSensor.cir         # Almost empty circuit for pixelSensor
│   └── pixelSensor_tb.cir      # SPICE testbench for pixelSensor, emulates verilog
└── verilog/
    ├── Makefile                
    ├── pixelSensor.fl          # Verilog file list
    ├── pixelSensor_tb.gtkw     # Save file for GTKWave
    ├── pixelSensor_tb.v        # Verilog testbench for pixelSensor
    └── pixelSensor.v           # Verilog model of analog pixelSensor circuit

Let’s check what’s inside the files
